
A collection of resources and commentary for those who plan and lead weekly Christian worship


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    Tom Trinidad
    Thomas Nelson
    Taylor Burton-Edwards
    Ron Rienstra
    Peter Armstrong
    Kevin Anderson
    Kent Hendricks
    Kendra Hotz
    John Williams
    John Thornburg
    Guy Higashi
    Greg Scheer
    Eric Herron
    Debra Avery
    Clay Schmit
    Chip Andrus
    Brian Paulson
    Brad Andrews
    Bob Keeley
    Andrew Donaldson

A Mother's Day Liturgy

Last year we used this Mother's Day liturgy and it received a warm reception. It's inclusive of women in all stages of life.


Mothers’ Day Liturgy

Lord, on this day set aside to honor and remember mothers, we give you thanks for our mothers. We are grateful that you chose to give us life through them, and that they received the gift of life from your hands, and gave it to us. Thank you for the sacrifices they made in carrying us and giving us birth.

We thank you for the women who raised us, who were our mothers in childhood. Whether birth mom, adopted mom, older sister, aunt, grandmother, stepmother or someone else, we thank you for those women who held us and fed us, who cared for us and kissed away our pain. We pray that our lives may reflect the love they showed us, and that they would be pleased to be called our moms.

We pray for older moms whose children are grown.

Grant them joy and satisfaction for a job well done.

We pray for new moms experiencing changes they could not predict.

Grant them rest and peace as they trust you for the future.

We pray for pregnant women who will soon be moms.

Grant them patience and good counsel in the coming months.

We pray for moms who face the demands of single parenthood.

Grant them strength and wisdom.

We pray for moms who enjoy financial abundance.

Grant them time to share with their families.

We pray for moms who are raising their children in poverty.

Grant them relief and justice.

We pray for step-moms.

Grant them patience and understanding and love.

We pray for moms who are separated from their children.

Grant them faith and hope.

We pray for moms in marriages that are in crisis.

Grant them support and insight.

We pray for moms who have lost children.

Grant them comfort in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We pray for mothers who aborted their children.

Grant them healing and peace.

We pray for moms who gave up their children for adoption.

Grant them peace and confidence as they trust in your providence.

We pray for adoptive mothers.

Grant them joy and gratitude for the gift you have provided.

We pray for girls and women who think about being moms.

Grant them wisdom and discernment.

We pray for women who desperately want, or wanted, to be moms.

Grant them grace to accept your timing and will.

We pray for all women who have assumed the mother’s role in a child’s life.

Grant them joy and the appreciation of others.

We pray for those people present who are grieving the loss of their mother in the past year.

Grant them comfort and hope in Christ’s resurrection.

All mothers, women, and girls are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary to receive a blessing through prayer and the laying on of hands.

Lord, we thank you for the gift of motherhood. We thank you for the many examples of faithful mothers in scripture, like Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, and Lois. Hear now the first names of other women who have inspired us by their motherly examples . . . We are mindful this day of all these women, and especially Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, who had the courage in faith to say “yes” to your calling. May these women gathered here today emulate these examples of faith. And may they model for all the rest of us what it means to be your disciple. Bless them on this special day; in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


single parent benefits said...
Hello, Thanks for such an awesome share. I actually love my mother so much as being a single parent she has given me love of both father and mother and I just want to dedicate all this to her for being their always whenever i needed her.
joseph said...
never thought of involving ALL moms in my mothers day services. Thanx for this eye opener. Joseph in South Africa.
D. Stone said...
This is such a beautiful Mother's Day liturgy. May we have your permission to use it in our service?
eB said...
Beautiful. Thanks! I had a version on my old pc and lost it. This is perfect.